Comments ( 4 )

  • Vipul Khira

    That’s wonderful journey through sindhi communities. If I were born in those golden years I must have enjoyed the city’s magnificent view. One of the best city in the world.

  • Jhanvi Pradhnani

    Hello Uncle, I think we are related- it was my grandfather (Jethanand Pradhanani) who settled in Raipur and started the bakery, it is still going strong. Thankyou for posting this article, I have always been so curious to know about the lives of our people in Karachi and this article has given me the most information than anyone. Thankyou so much!

  • Faheem Ahmed

    Very descriptive history of Karachi and Sindhis who once were majority of the city. Now, We Sindhis are in minority I wish Sindhi Hindus could not migrate and lived here. But unfortunately that did not happen. Stay happy and stick to your culture Jeay Sindh and Jiyan Sindhi.

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